odc <<< back button
                                 ::: these are some of odc s favorite links :::
      ::: there will be more soon ::: this update june25 :::
                            ::: some are commercial, some are not :::
               ::: the  indicates some involvement ::: 
                                                         ::: some way or other :::


shellac bob, steve & todd: symmetry noise in full effect escandalo! magazine @ matador recs n.y. berlin shows: loft concerts
strange sounds: the theremin home page 18th dye noise outfit - now under deconstruction odc aStoria new project - under construction odc le roi des fourmis
michel polnareff odc

comps & net

java applets @ gamelan cool downloads w/ some danish beef: tucows ftp server reasons to use yr bike java applet traffic simulation
institute for new media

graphix & typo

null.flesh,meat issues
graphix & online publishing:

misc & more

european weather mpeg-video world guide to vegetarianism wanna play a cool shocked game & win a (s)watch?
david ende watches on the web odc

words & blanx

great poetry & arts page
15 credibility street

movies & aliens

if a movie isnt on here, it probably doesnt exist
movie database
.. they even list sirpa lane